July 6, 2022

Dr Schwartz states in the neuroscience and psychology realms meditation and meditative practices can change your brain physiology. Learning how to manage your thoughts takes time, energy and dedication, Dr Schwartz says.

This isn’t to advise you abandon your medication or other treatments you may already be using. Meditation practices should be used as a part of conventional medical care under the supervision of a physician, confirms Dr Aditi Nerukar.

My top 6 meditation practices include:

1.Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation

This focuses on creating an attitude of love and kindness towards yourself. Several studies found this helps quell self-criticism. One study found reductions in self-criticism lasted at least 3-months after the meditation sessions ended.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

This is a moment-to-moment meditation to bring awareness into the present moment. It anchors your breathing, attention into the present moment and supports cognitive retraining. Mindfulness changes the brain.

3. Breath Awareness Meditation

Awareness using your breath will enable you to focus your mind and enhance cognitive retraining. When you focus on the inhale & exhale, your are lessening your emotional reactivity. This can be done sitting, standing or laying down.

4. Body Scan Meditation

This involves focusing on different parts of your body sequentially.

This can be done sitting, standing or laying down. This type of meditation enables you to shift attention by focusing on sensations and parts of your body that are holding onto stress, instead of your thoughts and feelings.

5. Transcendental Meditation

This type of meditation maybe one you have heard of as it is very popular across the globe.

Transcendental meditation uses sound or personal mantras to anchor attention and focus.

A study of teachers and staff at a residential school for students with severe behavioural problems found transcendental meditation improves stress, depression and burnout. These benefits lasts for months.


6.Visualisation Meditation

Visualisation involves using your imagination to focus on pleasant images instead of negative ones.

Imagery can also be used to alter the ways you recall negative memories. When participants were asked to revise their negative memories, with something more positive, it was found that they experienced a better quality of life and self-esteem.


For FREE Meditative Practices that include many of the tips above head over to my channel FitnessChiX on YouTube 

This is where you can adopt these practices immediately,


For more visit my website to book a call with me to find specialist coaching tips for your wellbeing and ways to boost your immunity against infections.


Fancy a freebie? Sign up for my exclusive newsletter today! There you will find extra info, tips and female empowerment techniques

June 1, 2022

How can breathing improve performance?

Deep breathing can help you stabilise your body, improve posture and lower your blood pressure.

Breathing exercises are significant in improving endurance, stamina and performance on the field or even in the office.


Breathing for Athlete Performance

Personally, I use the breath technique called ‘Breath of Fire’

This technique focuses on actively taking in belly breaths via the nostrils at a vigorous tempo. Breath of fire is often compared to how you breathe when hyperventilating.

However, the two are very different. Breath of fire is quick-paced, rhythmic, and can be sustained for a long period of time. This is where your inhale and exhale time is equal, with no pause in between breath. You should have two to three cycles of breathing in and out per second once you master breath of fire.

The power behind your breath comes from deep within your core. It originates from your belly button. When you breathe out, your navel and solar plexus press inward to your spine.‌

When performed correctly, your chest is lifted yet relaxed. Your hands, feet, face, and belly should also be relaxed. Performing this  correctly is more important than the speed you perform this when you first start.

I use this practice everyday but avoid it during menstruation. You should avoid this practice if you are experiencing the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy or menstruation. (practice long, deep breathing instead).
  • Vertigo. Using this technique may cause your symptoms to worsen.
  • Other health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and seizures. ‌

The purpose for using this technique is that it improves my lung capacity, endurance and stamina.

For athletes this technique is useful if you want to increase alertness, energy and cognition. These benefits far out weight the coffee we use to increase alertness and is far healthier for you.


Science in Breathe

In this breathing technique you are enabling the sympathetic nervous system to elevate in a controlled environment and manipulating the breath to cope with physiological stress.

Not only is this useful when starting your day but it releases the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a compound that is significant when stimulating motivation, alertness, cognition, memory and learning, as well as control over movement.

Breathe to Enhance Recovery

It also enhances recovery. As an athlete you are acutely aware of how quickly your body’s response to stress and stimulus is, as well as how quickly you are able to regulate your parasympathetic response for recovery. This part of your nervous system is accountable for things like rest, recovery and relaxation. When you are in a sympathetic state (during a competition or workout), you can use certain breathing techniques to accelerate recovery. This is incredibly important when you are competing in intervals, have little time to rest or simply need to re-energise for competition.


Breathwork will also improve your tolerance to high-intensity exercises and improve your aerobic metabolism. This will certainly carry over into the gym or any event you’re competing in without necessarily doing specific ‘cardio’ workouts.

You will also

  • Expand your lung capacity, as well as activate the deepest regions of your lungs that aren’t used for typical breathing
  • Strengthen your nervous system
  • Increasing your resistance to stress
  • Restore balance to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • Strengthen your bell muscles
  • Increase your endurance for other physically demanding activities
  • Energise your blood with additional oxygen
  • Gain control over your impulses
  • Increase delivery of oxygen to your brain and increase your ability to focus‌
  • Boost your immune system, preventing illness and disease


How to perform Breath of Fire?

You can sit (shoulders and head over pelvis, shoulders back and down & chin tucked in),

Ensure you sit with a straight spine

You can elevate your pelvis so it tilts slightly if you are uncomfortable sitting in this position – this means sit on the edge of a cushion or blanket.

Now imagine you have a candle in front of your nose and you take a deep inhale through the nose and rapidly exhale through the nose (all the while trying to blow out the candle with your nasal exhale).

You will take a breath in, and use this technique to deeply inhale and exhale for about 10-15 repetitions.

The more frequently you practice, the better you will get and the longer duration you will be able to go for.

Please be mindful there maybe occasions where you can experience light-headedness. If this is uncomfortable, stop and try again later in the day or another day.


How to Enhance Recovery?

To stimulate and enhance recovery use box breathing:

You can sit (similar to the posture stated above) or lay down on your back

Relax all your muscles and release any tension you have in your body

Inhale for 4 seconds, push your lower back into the ground (if you are laying)

Pause for 4 seconds

Exhale (from the belly) for 4 seconds

Pause for 4 seconds


Try doing this for 2-3 minutes (longer if needed)

You may also increase your breath count to 4, 5, 6 or 8 as long as you are not gasping for air at any point.


The Technique

Try these breath techniques out. If you felt a little lost check out the latest short here demonstrating the techniques for you to try immediately.

Happy breathing!

May 18, 2022

Do you have the audacity to dream big?

‘Science is made up of imaginations that ran wild and dreamed magical things that actually became achievable.’


Meant to be…

When I read this message, I swear it could not have been better timed.

I spoke about dreaming big to my parents the other day, knowing how they fought hard to manifest and create the life they are living right now.

As I read the article, I felt a lump in my throat, because even though I dare to dream big isn’t there a part of us that is a little hesitant, a little too comfortable and a little too fearful to fully dream big.


Set an intention…

Therefore, my intention is to dream big anyway.
Dream big in spite of the fears and what ifs,
Dream big especially when there is uncertainty,
Dream bigger because it requires you to have faith in the universe, in God and the bigger picture.

Dream big because life only gives you a certain amount of beats in this lifetime and there is no limit to what you can achieve when you believe.

Free Personal Dream Big Guidebook & Meditation Below


Simply download a step by step dreaming big guidebook using the link below!

Free Dream Big Meditation Here 

Whatever you are feeling, (especially on the days you aren’t very optimistic) have the audacity and privilege you are given to
dream bigger than you thought possible.


Why is Pilates breathing different?

Breathing quite literally comes naturally to us from the moment we enter this planet. However, many of us haven’t been given the method in the ways we should be breathing correctly.

Through evolution and being in the digital age, our postures are significantly different to how they were hundreds of years ago. This means we aren’t breathing from our belly like we did when we first come into this world. Our breath and respiratory rate will change from when we were kids into adulthood too.

Respiration is the metabolic process of oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release. Our neural central control, sensory input and muscular system are all systems that work together to create that process of exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Why is this significant to our breath?

The exchange of elements (oxygen & carbon dioxide) is important for metabolic processes to continue at a cellular level.

What slows or speeds up the rates depends on your lifestyle, illness or other conditions.

This includes:



Metabolic Issues

Brain Injuries or Stroke



Lung / Heart Conditions

Anxiety or Panic Attacks.


If you do not have any underlying conditions there is a way to shift your breathing that can influence your stress levels, enable you to receive more energy and live a healthy, well-balance lifestyle.

Breathing affects your whole body, including your posture. Within Pilates sessions we look at the differences in breathwork that are starkly different to other exercise modalities.


Breathwork and Movement Synergy

Within Pilates they use a method called lateral breathing. This is essentially to ensure the abdominal muscles are engaged, in turn it stabilises your core when performing a movement or series of movements.

Many Pilates exercises have a set breathing pattern to help activate the deep core muscles, The Transverse Abdominis. This not only helps establish a dynamic rhythm it supports the core muscles throughout the exercises. This intention keeps your mind grounded in what you are doing, let’s be honest sometimes the list of to-dos infiltrate our thoughts during training. In turn this supports your spine, overall posture and be able to breathe deeply which will increase circulation of oxygen to your blood cells  and can lower cardiovascular disease.

How to perform diaphragm breathing?

Lay on your back

Relax your hands on your lower ribs (fingertips pointing towards midline)

Allow your ribs and belly to expand up and out.

As you breath in, you will notice your hands expand outwards as your ribcage fills your palms.

Try and avoid the upper chest and shoulders to rise. Relax these areas.

Continue this exercise for 2-3 minutes.


If you can do this each day, for 40 days, you will notice significant differences in the way you pay attention to your breath throughout your day.  You will be more conscious to your breath and notice when it becomes shorter and shallower.

If you are wanting more support on breath control and movement, head over to my YouTube Channel.

Here you will find the series on ways to use breath to control movement, increase your intention and attention to your breath and eventually how this not only affects your posture during exercise but in everyday life too.

April 19, 2022


Have you ever struggled to get motivate to exercise?

I know I have! I have even walked out the gym because I was too tired to exercise. We all get to a point where we get too busy, feel exhausted or crappy and our motivation is at rock bottom. We get stressed and then feel guilty for missing consecutive training sessions, we fall into a routine, where it’s more effortful to get back into the habit of training, even though we know we will feel better after.

Here are a few tips to get motivated:

A Teaser

How to trick your body into a false promise of sugar?

The brain releases dopamine simply by ‘mouth-rinsing’ sugar. A group of researchers found having sugar present in the mouth for around 5 seconds stimulates the brain involved in motivation.

There were no effects when using artificial sweeteners for cyclists.


The Bargin

When we are too tired or stressed to train – Renegotiate!

Compromise by suggesting you do the time but reduce the level of intensity.

When we move your body feeds your brain with nutrients. You will feel more energised & do more than expected.


The Old skol classics

Music is an incredibly powerful tool for your brain.

Good tunes flood your brain with pleasure, those initial steps to get your mindset into the training session will allow you to feel as if less effort is needed.

Note: A friend and I used to put on music and had a little dance in the warm up and between sets. This increased the intensity and effort we both put in, plus it was super fun!.


Focusing on breath

Neuroscience shows getting out of your head helps, focusing on breathing does this.

26 people who never tried yoga were taught mindfulness (paying attention to their breath), they experienced less anxiety & similar benefits are found when people run or cycle.


Embrace your chronotype

Forcing yourself to train before work can be too effortful if you are a night owl.

Research on athletes in Birmingham University showed a person’s chronotype (body clock) peak performance at different times. In fact, night owls performance was worse when asked to train in the morning.

Source: Dr Jennifer Heisz


Find training you enjoy

‘I began training at home because I didn’t feel

comfortable in the gym and I still do it now!

I don’t need to worry about what I look like, what I’m wearing & that takes the pressure off when I train. I love training at home using FitnessChiX videos that motivate me and get me results I need.’


FitnessChix is about assisting women to be in position of power to make informed decisions about their health.

Our health is the most important thing we should be prioritising and it’s never too late to start putting your wellbeing first.

For support visit the newest strength training, now available for free on YouTube.

For more training visit Fitness ChiX


Join the Fitnesschix community newsletter and receive new content,

blog posts and free information on strength, conditioning, mobility & mindfulness.

April 4, 2022


Did you know perimenopause happens several years before menopause?

This phase can last up to 10 years and affects women between 40 and 50 years old.

During this time, levels of estrogen (an important female hormone) start to change, and periods become irregular or erratic.

Did you also know perimenopause can begin as early as your mid-30s or as late as your mid-50s. The length of time depends on the individual. As always, there is no one-size fits all approach. Every women is individual and unique in their own experience.


‘Every women is individual and unique in their own experience.’

Perimenopause symptoms

Symptoms can include;

Irregular periods,

Heavier or lighter periods,

Vaginal dryness,

Urinary urgency,

Sleep problems,

Changes in mood and hot flashes.


Managing Perimenopause Symptoms

Here are ways you can self-manage symptoms of perimenopause.



Incorporate proteins,



Whole grains,

And healthy fats support your immune system.

It can even prevent the onset of early perimenopause



Improving sleep hygiene such as not having your phone beside you when you sleep.

Limit blue light 90-minutes before bed.

Incorporate relaxing activities (such as Mindfulness) to settle the mind and improve the quality of your sleep.



Strength training is a key aspect where you can perform weight-baring exercises to support your immune system.

Increase overall mood.

Reduce the likelihood of weight gain.


*Limit alcohol and caffeine

For some these stimulants increase the inflammation around the body, which is why limiting these are key to reduce the impact on your cell function.


Perimenopause Support


FitnessChix is about assisting women to be in position of power to make informed decisions about their health. Our health is the most important thing we should be prioritising and it’s never too late to start putting your wellbeing first.

For support visit the newest strength training, now available for free on YouTube.

For more training visit Fitness ChiX


Join the Fitnesschix community newsletter and receive new content,

blog posts and free information on strength, conditioning, mobility & mindfulness.



Perimenopause: Age, Stages, Signs, Symptoms & Treatment (clevelandclinic.org)

March 8, 2022

International Women’s Day – 2022


The theme of this year is #breakthebias

It urges us to call out gender bias and inequality to ‘imagine a gender equal world’ and a world free of bias, stereotyping and discrimination.


During a conference a German communist activist, universal suffragist and advocate for women’s rights, Clara Zetkin proposed a designated day for women everywhere to ‘press for their demands’. Her idea was met with unanimous approval from all women representing 17 countries.

International women’s day was first celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19, 1911.

The most consequential international women’s day protest took place on March 8th 1917. Thousands of Russian women took to the streets of the capital (now known as St Petersburg), to demand the end of shortages and World War I. It also prompted the start of the Russian Revolution.


The UN general assembly cited two reasons to observe international women’s day.

Recognise the fact that securing peace and social progress

The full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women.

To acknowledge the contribution of women to strengthening the international peace and security.


In 2022 women in Ukraine are fighting against Russian attack, speaking up for truth and forced to flee their homes as their families are torn apart.

The war in Afghanistan has also been detrimental for women.


Bringing together strong, powerful women who are speaking up for themselves, their communities and the greater good there are valuable insights into how this can be done.

  • One mission is to shine the spotlight on activity that uplift and inspire women to pursue goals without bias or barrier.
  • To celebrate the women of women creatives and elevate visibility for commercial projects and commissions.
  • To forge inclusive work cultures where women’s careers thrive and are celebrated for their achievements.
  • Elevate and advance gender parity in technology and celebrating women who are forging innovation.
  • Assist women to be in position of power to make informed decisions about their health.
(Source: IWD.com).

Our health is the real wealth and it’s never too late to prioritise your wellbeing. Join the Fitnesschix community newsletter and receive new content, blog posts and free information on strength, conditioning, mobility & mindfulness.


This helps us prevent spam, thank you.

February 20, 2022

Do you have a love hate relationship with exercise? Well your brain loves it and here’s why.

When you dedicate time, energy and effort into jumping on your bike, rolling out your yoga mat or taking a dip in the pool, you are enhancing your brain’s function. This means you are supporting your brain health.

Many tend to forget brain health is a major component on how your body functions.


Brain health is incredibly important for women in particular because Alzheimer’s is one of the top diseases that is more common in women than in men. There are ways to spot and prevent the onset of this, I highly recommend The XX Brain, for those who want to read more around this topic1. However, you can make a major difference in terms of how your body is functioning and, as a result, how your brain functions2.

There are many topics I discuss around brain fog, scattered memory and how to regain focus within my Elevate Success: Leadership Formula3, so here is why we need to preserve our mental and cognitive health.



A study that included 454 older adults, underwent physical and cognitive testing for 20 years and agreed to donate their brains for research upon their death4. All participants were given accelerometers, that tracked their movement and overall physical activity.

Participants who moved more, scored better on memory and thinking tests. Every increase in physical activity, by one standard deviation, was associated with a 31% lower risk of dementia.

In another study, a group of sedentary older people, with a mild cognitive impairment, were assigned several options within the study.

They could either participate in aerobic exercise 3x a week, 45 minutes per session.

Eat a healthy diet or combine aerobic exercise with the healthy diet advice or plan.

This study spanned across 6 months, those who followed the diet alone did not improve on assessments that were defined as executive functional tasks. Tasks such as planning and problem-solving. Those who exercised showed improvements in thinking and memory.



Why does our brain love to exercise? Well, the benefits include:

> Increased blood flow to the brain

> Reducing inflammation

> Lowering levels of stress hormones

> Promoting cardiovascular health

Exercise can provide physical benefits to the brain because it increases thickness of the cerebral cortex whilst improving the integrity of your white matter. It enhances the nerve fibers connecting areas of the brain’s nerve cell-rich grey matter5.

Dr. Wendy Suzuki, a neuroscientist at New York University, studies neurological impacts of exercise and identifies benefits to our brain as short- and long-term rewards6.

Dr Suzuki describes the brain building brand new brain cells, whilst changing the brain’s anatomy, physiology, and function! She describes exercise similar to giving your brain a neurochemical bubble bath. This regular bubble bath helps protect your brain in the long term for conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. As mentioned above, this is crucial for women during their perimenopausal and menopausal stages when hormones effect the brain health significantly1.



When we train, our body releases chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. All these serve to enhance your mood and memory for up to 3 HOURS post training!

In August 2020, Dr Suzuki asked participants to do a 5-minute anxiety assessment and then surprised them with a 10-minute workout. When the participants took the test again, their levels of anxiety scores decreased to that of a normal level.



My Elevate Success: Leadership Formula, is where I support my clients through training that increases overall energy but doesn’t demand a lot of your time. Many people believe to train you need to dedicate a lot of time, energy and effort but this isn’t the case because consistency is key.

Within my program, that is tailored to each individual, we go through simple and consistent training that supports your mobility, flexibility, strength, and conditioning. This is why this formula works. Little and often gives you the dose response your body and brain need. Regularity and accountability create successful leadership habits.



According to Dr Suzuki it’s not weird to workout in your living room either! Online fitness has become the norm because it’s convenient and accessible. Dr Suzuki also advocates this in her article on TED.com and she supports training and finding what best suits you and your needs6.


The key is to find something that works for you!

If you want to kick start your mood, regain energy and find out how my Elevate Success: Leadership Formula

can support your needs, simply book onto a free 30-minute consult with me.

Let’s figure out a strategy that is catered just for you!



1- The XX Brain by Dr Lisa Mosconi

2 - How Exercise Protects Your Brain's Health – Cleveland Clinic

3- Elevate Success: Leadership Formula 

4- Physical exercise and activity may be important in reducing dementia risk at any age | Neurology

5-Need a Memory Boost? Doctors May Prescribe Jumping Jacks – Cleveland Clinic

6-Why your brain loves it when you exercise, plus 3 easy ways to work out at home | (ted.com)

February 14, 2022

Breath-control can change your life

Part II

Group Breathing image

Emotions Change your Breath

What are the ways you can regain control of your breath and how it can change your life instantly? In part I we looked at examples of ways the breath changes your emotions and behaviours. If you haven’t checked it out, click here for the link.

In part II we delve deeper into what relaxation is about and how we can instigate it during periods of stress, anxiousness, and chaos by using breath-control.


The Physiology of Relaxation

Relaxation isn’t as simple as slowing down your thoughts. Relaxation elicits a physiological response such as decreasing the heart rate, blood pressure, slowing down the breath and relaxing your muscles.

Anatomically, you have increased activity in the prefrontal, motor, and parietal cortices structures of your brain. Behavioural changes include comfort, relaxation, vigour, and alertness. Relaxation and breath work reduces symptoms of depression, anger, and confusion.

Information Overload

In a world where we are bombarded with information, there is plenty of evidence that can lead feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious. Relaxation is also perceived to be something we earn. Relaxation is often associated with activities such as getting a massage or going on holiday. However, breathing is something that is natural, unconscious and yet it is the most essential component to induce a state of calmness, peacefulness, and overall state of well-being.

Problems V Solutions

Breathing affects Thinking image

Marines understand the importance of breathing under extreme distress and they have been conditioned to withstand tough training regimes. However, we are not soldiers, so what can we do to when we have stress that consumes our environment?

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”


When under extreme stress our energy and attention are likely to be re-directed towards other parts of our body. Our brain automatically changes what it deems as high priority and is under the assumption the body is being attacked. Therefore, arrangements are made to protect our vital organs.

Thoughts tend to be misdirected and often people cannot think clearly nor logically. This also means creating a solution is fairly difficult. There is an increased state of anxiousness, distress and discomfort. This also brings about further repercussions to our own mental state. As a consequence you may face a barrage of negative emotions or narratives that tend to run through your head during the times of trauma and or worry.

Breathing is the Key

Breathing is the key to reducing stress and finding ways to relax should be a daily necessity. By focusing on the breath, it creates an active process and elicits body relaxation. Belly breathing for 20-30 minutes a day has been associated with reduction in anxiety and stress. This is because you are supplying fresh oxygen to your brain, as well as stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

In fact, the more the body and brain is trained to this level of resilience when facing perceived stressful conditions, the less likely stressful events will alter your physiology in a negative way.

Supporting Evidence Evidence supporting breathwork image

  • Yale ran a study that revealed, those who went through the breathing exercises experienced the greatest mental health, social connectedness, and positive emotions. They also reported reduced levels of stress and depression as well as other mindfulness advantages.
  • The study was branched out to veterans from Iraq & Afghanistan. This breathing meditation normalised their levels of anxiety after one week and they continued to benefit mentally for a year after the intervention!
  • A 1-day breathing exercise intervention had been found to relieve the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization induced by job burnout according to Salyers et al.
  • A 30-minute intervention with a daily duration of five minutes significantly decreased the anxiety in pregnant women experiencing preterm labour.

Main Take Home Points

There are various methods in which we can manipulate our breath to reduce distress, anxiety, and pressure. The goal is to induce a state of feeling relaxed, initiate a sense of calmness and regain clarity.

The ways in which we can alter our breathing affects our brain stem which consequently triggers the parasympathetic nervous system. This ‘rest and digest’ nervous system will bring the blood flow back into your pre-frontal cortex where you make rational decisions and you are able to find solutions instead of more problems.

Contact us Image

Anyone seeking to learn more about the methods I use with my clients contact me and send a direct message via this link.

Alternatively, click here to arrange a one-to-one call and understand how Elevate Success: Leadership Formula can support you rising to the next level of success in your personal and professional world.




Chang S.-B., Kim H.-S., Ko Y.-H., Bae C.-H., An S.-E. (2009). Effects of abdominal breathing on anxiety, blood pressure, peripheral skin temperature and saturation oxygen of pregnant women in preterm labor. Korean J Women Health Nurs 15 32–42. 10.4069/kjwhn.2009.15.1.32

Perciavalle V, Blandini M, Fecarotta P, Buscemi A, Di Corrado D, Bertolo L, Fichera F, Coco M. The role of deep breathing on stress. Neurol Sci. 2017 Mar;38(3):451-458. doi: 10.1007/s10072-016-2790-8. Epub 2016 Dec 19. PMID: 27995346.

Salyers M. P., Hudson C., Morse G., Rollins A. L., Monroe-DeVita M., Wilson C., et al. (2011). BREATHE: a pilot study of a one-day retreat to reduce burnout among mental health professionals. Psychiatr. Serv. 62 214–217. 10.1176/ps.62.2.pss6202_0214

Zaccaro, Andrea et al. “How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing.” Frontiers in human neuroscience vol. 12 353. 7 Sep. 2018, doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00353

Take a Deep Breath – The American Institute of Stress

Research: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress (hbr.org)


Stages of Sleep: What Happens in a Sleep Cycle | Sleep Foundation

9 Amazing Facts About Breathing – The Breath Effect

January 31, 2022

How can breath-control change your life?

Part I


Brain-Body Interaction

Your brain and body interact all day everyday and this interaction is mainly observed during meditative and relaxing practices by voluntarily slowing down the breath frequency but why is this so important?

Think about the last time you truly relaxed? If you can’t think of a time before you read the next line it may be because things are a bit too hectic at the moment which means you are in the right place!

Relaxation V Stimulus

I work with many senior executives and leaders all over the world who have the tendency to shut down their laptop, as the last thing they do, before they head to bed. This gives them zero time to relax or unwind before their head hits the pillow. Some found time to unwind or ‘relax’ by watching a tv show. However, they often found themselves falling asleep before they could experience such gratification. All this disorder and lack of structure causes disturbances in sleep or disrupts periods of ordinary sleep cycles.

Insufficient sleep can cause daytime sleepiness, it detracts from performance at work and increases the likelihood of accidents while driving. It also has huge implications on brain function, physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, absorbing additional stimulus prior to bed does not serve our brain when it comes to true rest, relaxation, or rejuvenation.

Emotions & Breath-ControlBreath

UK health and safety consultants reported females in the UK are 1.5 times more likely to suffer burnout at work. Burnout equals higher levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. When in this state, there are significant changes to the levels of emotions and your emotions change the way you breathe!

Think back to a moment you had a feeling of anticipation such as shouting out surprise at a birthday party. Perhaps you felt the excitement queuing for a roller-coaster. Alternatively, you may have been in a situation where you were waiting for the results from your doctor. All these experiences change your emotions, thus changing the way you breathe. For those who are familiar with feelings of stress and anxiety you may notice, your breath will shorten and this uncontrolled breath is very often short and shallow.

Breath Reducing Stress

In a world where we are bombarded with information, there is plenty of evidence that can lead us to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious. Breath-control is the key to reducing stress physiologically, so we can think clearly, find solutions, and reframe our focus in order to navigate through events that cause us distress.

Finding ways to relax should be a daily necessity, but where can you begin when there is such overwhelm and misery?


Breath-Control Support

Gain immediate access by heading over to my YouTube channel

there you will find free practices to support your journey.


In part II I will explore the physiological changes and evidence on the ways breath-control can change your life.

Sign up to my newsletter so you don’t miss the latest blog!


For those who want practical methods you can use anywhere