February 10, 2023

Kelly & I host a health and wellness podcast – Unapologetically You


Most recently we recorded a podcast on love….. What occurred to me is that love is everywhere I look. It is in the birds that sing, the sunshine that brightens the day, the couples who hold hands as they walk as well as in the messages and podcasts I am seeing and hearing.


Why is this significant?

because ever since I was little I dreamt of a big fat Indian wedding and when my dreams didn’t fit my reality, I began thinking maybe it’s not for me.


That was until I began to be more vulnerable, be honest with myself on what I really wanted and what I found is something more special that I could ever have hoped for.


The love uncovered ways I could tap into my own self-worth, appreciating my values, boundaries and speak my truth. It also helped me bring love into the relationships in my current life, amongst my wonderful family, friends and the people I meet day to day.


My whole idea of love has transformed my life, that little girl who wanted a ring and a big wedding now realises it was society who taught her what to think, feel and how to act. Now I’m comfortable loving who I am and learning ways to love myself and the people around me. For once, I found the love I was longing for outside of me, was always the love I had within.


Why this message? Well I wanted to prompt and ask you whether you considered ways you were more loving, kind and compassionate to yourself and when was the last time you acknowledged the love you are capable of?


I love the message; the love you find in another wasn’t in them, it was simply a reflection of what you have within yourself, it was a way to unlock the love within you.


What is your love language to yourself?


Are there ways you can introduce them between now and the end of February?


Who knows maybe it’s something you can continue for the rest of this year and lifetime.


With Love T xx

January 19, 2023

Did you know writing about stressful, traumatic and good things benefit physical & emotional health?

In fact, studies show that time spent journaling about our deepest thoughts and feelings can even reduce the number of sick days we take off work (Sohal, Singh, Dhillon & Gill, 2022).


Why is journaling good for you?

It’s widely used as a non-pharmacological tool for coaching and counselling. There are two forms of journaling that are common in psychotherapy (Sohal et al., 2022):

1. Expressive writing:

This is where someone writes their innermost thoughts and feelings, they focus on the emotional experience than events, people or objects.


2. Gratitude journaling

This involves a focus on the positive aspects of life through capturing situations, events and interactions for which we are grateful.


Keeping a record of these


>> Reduces anxiety


>> Breaks the cycle of obsessive thinking


>> Improves awareness and heightens emotional intelligence

>> Boosts physical and psychological wellbeing.


Is there more research?

Based on client self-reports, research suggests a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits come from expressive writing (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005):

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving lung and liver function
  • Less time spent being admitted in hospital
  • Overall increase in mood
  • Improving psychological wellbeing
  • Fewer depressive and avoidance symptoms
  • Reduction in stress-related visits to the doctor
  • Lower work absenteeism
  • Lower time ‘out of work’ following job loss
  • Higher averages on student grades

Research into gratitude journaling suggests that “study participants who regularly drew their attention to aspects of their lives that made them feel blessed increased their positivity” (Fredrickson, 2010, p. 187).

Recording what makes us feel grateful every day can become monotonous, even zapping positivity. A few days a week may be sufficient.

For an exclusive gratitude journal head over to this link

where you can pop it beside your bed

and serve as a reminder to get grateful!