January 30, 2023

Every fitness / trainer / expert will claim to change your life but how much of this is actually true?

In fact, if you really wanted to change your life, it can be done in a heartbeat, well in a second of any given day anyway.

Change comes from two things: Something painful has happened to you enough to change or you are forced to change (because you’re environment has made it so).

What I mean is, people often don’t like change, but it’s inevitable. We are growing new cells everyday. We are changing and we actually have nothing in our body right now than when we did when we were 19 years old. Why? because each day our cells brake down and renew. Every cell is replaced around every 8 years!

So what does it take to change? Well, no trainer, expert or fitness ‘guru’ can force you to do anything. Everything is a choice from waking up, eating to going to the job you may or may not love. You maybe thinking, but I have a family and mortgage to pay, I haven’t got a choice about that. However, not making a choice to change is also a choice.

Why am I talking about change? because if you are in the majority of people who are frustrated, fatigued, super busy and have little to no time to train it’s okay to admit you need a bit more support. That is what helps us get the best of ourselves, when we know who we can lean on.

I’ve created there’s ‘No magic formula’ 12-week challenge. There are 3 main aims to this program:

  1. To reach your specific goals around physical wellness via a systematic approach
  2. To feel good in your overall wellness
  3. Build confidence and gain energy to attack your life’s ambitions

So whether you want to be able to shed those stubborn holiday pounds, clear your mindset and discover your best self in 12 weeks, then make sure you send an email to [email protected] to sign up – as I close the challenge 12pm BST Friday 3rd February! I also have a HUGE surprise for anyone who signs up in the next 4 days!

If this is not for you, be an amazing friend and pass it on by sharing this! Get in quick as many of you will know it’s not often I open my schedule up for one to one coaching!

January 19, 2023

Did you know writing about stressful, traumatic and good things benefit physical & emotional health?

In fact, studies show that time spent journaling about our deepest thoughts and feelings can even reduce the number of sick days we take off work (Sohal, Singh, Dhillon & Gill, 2022).


Why is journaling good for you?

It’s widely used as a non-pharmacological tool for coaching and counselling. There are two forms of journaling that are common in psychotherapy (Sohal et al., 2022):

1. Expressive writing:

This is where someone writes their innermost thoughts and feelings, they focus on the emotional experience than events, people or objects.


2. Gratitude journaling

This involves a focus on the positive aspects of life through capturing situations, events and interactions for which we are grateful.


Keeping a record of these


>> Reduces anxiety


>> Breaks the cycle of obsessive thinking


>> Improves awareness and heightens emotional intelligence

>> Boosts physical and psychological wellbeing.


Is there more research?

Based on client self-reports, research suggests a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits come from expressive writing (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005):

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving lung and liver function
  • Less time spent being admitted in hospital
  • Overall increase in mood
  • Improving psychological wellbeing
  • Fewer depressive and avoidance symptoms
  • Reduction in stress-related visits to the doctor
  • Lower work absenteeism
  • Lower time ‘out of work’ following job loss
  • Higher averages on student grades

Research into gratitude journaling suggests that “study participants who regularly drew their attention to aspects of their lives that made them feel blessed increased their positivity” (Fredrickson, 2010, p. 187).

Recording what makes us feel grateful every day can become monotonous, even zapping positivity. A few days a week may be sufficient.

For an exclusive gratitude journal head over to this link

where you can pop it beside your bed

and serve as a reminder to get grateful!

August 1, 2022

How can you elevate your success for cognitive performance?

Find out 6 easy ways you can adjust your nutrition to include better performance in every area of your life!

Negative Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-Processed foods can affect cognitive performance. Australian researchers say ultra-processed foods can negatively impact cognitive functions.

A new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that consuming ultra-processed foods may have a negative impact on cognitive performance in older adults.

The researchers from Australia conducting the study told Healthline they defined ultra-processed foods as those that undergo “several industrial processes that can’t be reproduced at home.” They noted that these items contain little to no whole foods and typically include flavourings, colourings, emulsifiers, and other cosmetic additives. Examples include packaged snacks, chocolates, breakfast cereals, and pre-prepared dishes such as pies, pasta, and pizza.

Their research is in line with another new study published in the journal Neurology that reports that people who consume high amounts of ultra-processed foods such as sodas, chips, and cookies may have a higher risk of developing dementia.

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

Follow a Mediterranean Diet style. It contains a high proportion of foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, that are associated with a reduced risk of age-associated cognitive decline and dementia.

This is supported by Barbara Cardoso, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a senior lecturer in nutrition, dietetics, and food at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.



Elevate Success Nutrition Tips Include….


Drink plenty of water

Are you getting enough water? Measuring is the key to success. I use a large water bottle and aim to fill it up 4 times during the day. Tea’s or coffee’s are classed as extra and this is the bare minimum target I give myself.


Olive Oils, Nuts & Seeds

Sometimes it’s easier to think of snacking on crisps, fruit or sweets. However, try to incorporate this healthy snack into three of your snack per week. Not only will it help you feel fuller for longer, but it will also help your focus, concentration and mood. Try adding nuts and seeds to a salad to mix things up too!


Eat a Variety of Fruit 7 Veg

This is easier done when you plan it into your meals and snacks before you go to the supermarket. I over did the fruit and veg in the supermarket which meant there was a variety of options in the day for me to snack on. It also meant I gave myself extra choices. As a crisps lover, I gave myself a chance to eat watermelon instead because I knew, if I didn’t eat it, it would go bad. This is great to understand what your body needs versus your habits.


Add more Veggies

This is super easy when you can make a salad full of roasted veg. Add more to a curry or simply incorporate it into a snack. I’ve even seen avocados and banana’s added to muffin recipes, so the only limitations are your imagination.


Choose Fish or Poultry over Red Meat

If you are a veggie, this counts as adding more protein to your meals. For those who eat fish or meat, well this is pretty self explanatory 😉


Adding Whole Grains to your meals

It’s easy to do what you’ve always done because then you will get the same results you’ve always got. How about listening to your body, does it need extra carbs during the time of the month? What if you added whole grain toast to your breakfast instead of a bowl of cereal? Have you tried getting seeded bread, rolls or wraps instead? Try the variety and see what your preference is.


Check out the first Anti-Inflammatory Food suggestions &

Hope these tips and suggestions help. If they did, comment below and feel free to share with a friend 🙂

