February 23, 2023

Listen to your gut…

I recently put a post up about relieving symptoms of bloating. Some people may find temporary relief from bloating by lying on their stomachs with a compression around the area, I demonstrated ways you can do this here. Compression (isn’t for everyone but) can help to support the abdominal muscles and potentially reduce inflammation or discomfort in the area, but why is this important and what is it relevant for?

Let me take you back to a moment in time when I wasn’t feeling the best, my stomach would be in knots and I was diagnosed with IBS, after years of suffering with various intolerances (over 8 years) and cutting out foods that didn’t make my stomach happy. I decided it was just something I had to deal and live with after trying so many things to alleviate the symptoms, that was until I realised it was caused by stress and found a way I could enhance my nutrient intake.


The science first…

The gut is often referred to as the body’s second brain. It is a complex system of organs, nerves, and microorganisms that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. The gut is also home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, collectively known as the gut microbiota. While the gut plays a vital role in the digestive process, it also has a significant impact on overall wellness and wellbeing, particularly for women.

The gut microbiota is a vital component of the gut, playing a role in everything from digestion to immune function, metabolism, and even mood. Research has shown that the gut microbiota can influence the body’s response to stress, inflammation, and infection. In addition, the gut microbiota is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which play a role in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep.


The differences between men & women…

  1. Digestive Enzymes: Men and women have different levels of digestive enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down food in the stomach and small intestine. Women tend to have lower levels of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, which can lead to slower digestion and nutrient absorption.
  2. Hormones: Hormones can also impact digestive function. Women experience fluctuations in hormones throughout the menstrual cycle, which can impact everything from appetite to bloating to bowel movements. In addition, oestrogen can impact the gut microbiota, which can influence overall gut health.
  3. Gut Microbiota: The gut microbiota is a complex system of microorganisms that live in the gut. Men and women have different gut microbiotas, with women having a more diverse microbiota overall. This can impact how the body digests and absorbs nutrients, as well as how it responds to inflammation and infection.
  4. Intestinal Length: Women tend to have longer intestines than men, which can impact how the body absorbs nutrients. Longer intestines can lead to slower nutrient absorption, which can impact overall health.
  5. Medication Metabolism: Men and women can metabolize medications differently, which can impact their effectiveness and side effects. For example, women may metabolise certain medications more slowly than men, leading to higher levels in the bloodstream and a higher risk of side effects!
  6. Nutrient Needs: Men and women have different nutrient needs due to differences in body composition and hormonal function. For example, women need more iron than men due to menstrual blood loss, while men need more zinc for testosterone production.

Healthy gut is essential for overall wellness, particularly in women…

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiota is essential and here are some reasons why:

  1. Improved Digestion: A healthy gut microbiota is essential for proper digestion. When the gut microbiota is balanced, it helps to break down food and absorb nutrients more efficiently. This can help to alleviate symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea, which are common digestive issues that can impact overall wellbeing.
  2. Stronger Immune System: The gut microbiota also plays a crucial role in the immune system. The gut is the first line of defence against pathogens and harmful bacteria, and the gut microbiota helps to regulate immune function and protect against infection. A healthy gut microbiota can therefore help to improve overall immune function and reduce the risk of illness.
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Chronic inflammation has been linked to a range of health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating inflammation, and a healthy gut microbiota can help to reduce overall inflammation in the body.
  4. Better Mood and Mental Health: The gut-brain axis is a complex system of communication between the gut and the brain. The gut microbiota is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which play a role in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. A healthy gut microbiota can therefore help to improve overall mood and mental health.
  5. Hormonal Balance: Women’s hormonal health can also be influenced by the gut microbiota. Research has shown that the gut microbiota can play a role in regulating oestrogen levels, which can impact everything from menstrual cycles to menopause.


How can you look after your gut to improve overall wellness & wellbeing?

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet: A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiota. Women should aim to eat a balanced diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are important for feeding the gut microbiota and promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
  2. Manage Stress: Stress can impact gut health by altering the gut microbiota and increasing inflammation in the body. Women should aim to manage stress through techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
  3. Avoid Antibiotics When Possible: Antibiotics can disrupt the gut microbiota and lead to imbalances that can impact overall health. Women should only take antibiotics when necessary and work with their healthcare provider to find alternatives when possible.
  4. Support your health: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help to improve gut health. Women can take probiotic supplements or eat fermented foods.


Low energy / Digestive issues / Weight solution…

> If you want to be firing on all cylinders

> Help reach your weight-loss goals

> Be well-fed with high quality nutrients

> Find a formula that supports your immune system

> Balance your gut health

 >Support your blood glucose levels


Contact me if you want the formula I use! 


Side note: this isn’t for everyone and this isn’t a quick fix, but I am living proof by my happy gut, that you can change your life by adding this into your lifestyle.

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiota is essential for overall wellness and wellbeing, particularly for women. By following a healthy diet, managing stress, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, and taking probiotics. It is important to note that if you experience frequent or severe bloating, it’s a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

August 1, 2022

How can you elevate your success for cognitive performance?

Find out 6 easy ways you can adjust your nutrition to include better performance in every area of your life!

Negative Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-Processed foods can affect cognitive performance. Australian researchers say ultra-processed foods can negatively impact cognitive functions.

A new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that consuming ultra-processed foods may have a negative impact on cognitive performance in older adults.

The researchers from Australia conducting the study told Healthline they defined ultra-processed foods as those that undergo “several industrial processes that can’t be reproduced at home.” They noted that these items contain little to no whole foods and typically include flavourings, colourings, emulsifiers, and other cosmetic additives. Examples include packaged snacks, chocolates, breakfast cereals, and pre-prepared dishes such as pies, pasta, and pizza.

Their research is in line with another new study published in the journal Neurology that reports that people who consume high amounts of ultra-processed foods such as sodas, chips, and cookies may have a higher risk of developing dementia.

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

Follow a Mediterranean Diet style. It contains a high proportion of foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, that are associated with a reduced risk of age-associated cognitive decline and dementia.

This is supported by Barbara Cardoso, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a senior lecturer in nutrition, dietetics, and food at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.



Elevate Success Nutrition Tips Include….


Drink plenty of water

Are you getting enough water? Measuring is the key to success. I use a large water bottle and aim to fill it up 4 times during the day. Tea’s or coffee’s are classed as extra and this is the bare minimum target I give myself.


Olive Oils, Nuts & Seeds

Sometimes it’s easier to think of snacking on crisps, fruit or sweets. However, try to incorporate this healthy snack into three of your snack per week. Not only will it help you feel fuller for longer, but it will also help your focus, concentration and mood. Try adding nuts and seeds to a salad to mix things up too!


Eat a Variety of Fruit 7 Veg

This is easier done when you plan it into your meals and snacks before you go to the supermarket. I over did the fruit and veg in the supermarket which meant there was a variety of options in the day for me to snack on. It also meant I gave myself extra choices. As a crisps lover, I gave myself a chance to eat watermelon instead because I knew, if I didn’t eat it, it would go bad. This is great to understand what your body needs versus your habits.


Add more Veggies

This is super easy when you can make a salad full of roasted veg. Add more to a curry or simply incorporate it into a snack. I’ve even seen avocados and banana’s added to muffin recipes, so the only limitations are your imagination.


Choose Fish or Poultry over Red Meat

If you are a veggie, this counts as adding more protein to your meals. For those who eat fish or meat, well this is pretty self explanatory 😉


Adding Whole Grains to your meals

It’s easy to do what you’ve always done because then you will get the same results you’ve always got. How about listening to your body, does it need extra carbs during the time of the month? What if you added whole grain toast to your breakfast instead of a bowl of cereal? Have you tried getting seeded bread, rolls or wraps instead? Try the variety and see what your preference is.


Check out the first Anti-Inflammatory Food suggestions &

Hope these tips and suggestions help. If they did, comment below and feel free to share with a friend 🙂

